





[tmail.exe %1]とある部分を[tmailms.exe "%1"]に変更。



# 改造版、UKTVLISTからRD-X9へ予約MAILを送れるようにする
# ファイル・フォルダ設定
# SpeedMail12.exeのフルパス エッジe-mail用
sm12 = "\microSD\SpeedMail12\LeMail207.exe"
# SimpleSendMail.exeのフルパス
ssm = "\Program Files\simpleSendMail\simpleSendMail.exe"
# UrlDecode.mscrのフルパス
urldecode = "\Program Files\MortScript\lib\UrlDecode.mscr"
# url設定# uktv
flg = "SCUKTV"
sflg = "SCUKTVSP"
# 送信元メールアドレス設定
mail = "メールアドレス"
# 付加するタグ 1 X9、2 レグザ
tag1 = "open パス prog add"
tag2 = "open パス"
# 送信先メールアドレス
rdad = "メールアドレス"
# 改行専用文字
r = "/"
# 挿入スペース
sp = " "
# 変数囲い込み用
x = Find( ap, flg )


# 文字列を「 」で分割して配列data[]に格納
j = 1
ForEach data[j] in split( ap , " " , 0 )
j = j+1

ch = Replace( data[4] , "SCUKTV" , "" )
kaisi = data[5]#開始時間
owari = data[6] #終了時間
hiniti = data[7] #日付
ban = data[9]#番組名
bsetu = data[11]#番組説明

bc = data[13]#&bcc= 送信先機種の判別
bc = Replace( bc , "&bcc=" , "" )
#Message ( ap)
#Message ( bc)

Switch ( bc )
Case ( "RD-X9" )
#Message ( bc)
s = Find( ap, sflg )

tag = tag1

ch = ch

ch = fd&ch


Case ( "REGZA" )
#Message ( bc)
tag = tag2


#Sub rdcil
nen = FormatTime( "Y", TimeStamp() + 86400 )

syosi=tag & sp & nen & hiniti & sp & kaisi & sp & owari & sp & ch & "^NL^" & ban & "^NL^" & bsetu
#SetClipText ( syosi ) #クリックボードにコピー

address = rdad
txt = syosi
#Call( "dec" )
title = "UKTV*"&bc&":"&ban
txt = Replace( txt , r , "\r" )
#Message ( txt)

If( Question(txt & "^NL^^NL^予約メールを送信します、よろしいですか?" , "YesNo" ))
Call( "mail" )

SetClipText( txt )
#Message( "送信しないで終了します。メッセージはクリップボードにコピーしました。" )


Message( "予約メール以外" )




# utf-8デコードサブルーチン
Sub dec

# 分割用記号「'」を付加
txt1 = Replace( txt1 , "%" , "'%" )

# 半角空白を全角空白に変換
txt1 = Replace( txt1 , "%20" , " " )

# エンコードされた文字列を「'」で分割して配列data[]に格納
j = 1
ForEach data[j] in split( txt1 , "'" , 0 )

# 配列data[j]の先頭が「%」かつ3文字以上あったら
If 3 ">*1

# 配列data[j]の3文字目以降を配列data[j+1]に格納
data[j+1] = SubStr( data[j] , 4 )

# 配列data[j]の先頭から3文字目までを配列data[j]に格納
data[j] = SubStr( data[j] , 1 , 3 )

# 配列カウンタを2進める
j = j + 2

# 上記以外は配列カウンタを1進める
j = j + 1


# 配列data内で「%○○」が3連続していたら
For i = 1 to j

# その部分をurldecode.mscrに投げる
CallScriptFunction( urldecode , txt2 , data[i] & data[i+1] & data[i+2] )

# 返ってきた文字をtxtに追加して参照配列を2進める
txt = txt & txt2
i = i + 2
# それ以外の部分(半角英数等)はそのままtxtに追加
txt = txt & data[i]


# メール送信サブルーチン
Sub mail

# 送信判定ループ開始(resの値が1の間ループ)
res = 2
While( res = 2 )

# SimpleSendMailで送信を試みて戻り値を取得
#res = RunWait( ssm , address & " " & title & " " & txt )
#res = RunWait( ssm , address & " " & title & " " & d & txt & d)

txt = Replace( txt , " " , "%20" )
res = RunWait( sm12 , address & " " & title & " " & txt &" /he32")

# 送信失敗なら自動再送か手動再送か終了(キャンセル)を選択
If( res = 2 )
Choice( "動作選択" , "送信に失敗しました、どうしますか?" , "圏内になったら自動再送する" , "手動で再送する" )

# キャンセルならメール本文をクリップボードに待避して終了
Case( 0 )
SetClipText( txt )
Message( "送信しないで終了します。メール本文はテキストボックスに待避しました。" )

# 手動で再送する
Case( 2 )


# 終了メッセージ
#Message( "送信終了" )



*1: CharAt( data[j] , 1 ) eq "%" ) and ( Length( data[j] ) > 3
*2: CharAt( data[i] , 1 ) eq "%" ) and ( CharAt( data[i+1] , 1 ) eq "%" ) and ( CharAt( data[i+2] , 1 ) eq "%"



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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.The upper uses a bright red mesh as the basis and a black suede overlay. The white Jumpman Logo appears on the tongue and heel, which contrasts strongly with the black upper underneath.The midsole uses red and black as alternate treatments, and a small part of the translucent Air cushion is exposed at the back of the midsole. A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Wholesale Jordan Shoes- Cheap Prices For The New Jordans,Latest Wholesale Jordans Shoes Hot Sale Online Now! All The New And Future Jordans Shoes For Sale With Unique Design, A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Cheap Jordan Shoes with 60% OFF Disc,We are A professional and reliable Jordan Shoes Shop Online, supplying a variety of hot selling Air Jordan shoes at cheap prices and free shipping globally -Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Shop - Air Jordan 4 Cement, Air...

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In terms of configuration, the front and rear split-handle Zoom air cushions bring good cushioning feedback. The large-area carbon plate highlights the practical materials of the top boots of the year. Even now, the Air Jordan 13 is still the favorite of many actual combat parties. .It is reported that the new Air Jordan 13 "Del Sol" will be on sale on January 29th next year. The sale price is $190. Friends who like it may wish to prepare in advance!

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The Air Jordan 13, which was born in 1997, is the second pair of Air Jordan shoes officially launched in mainland China after the Air Jordan 12.

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414571-167, Del Sol, Air Jordan rare lemon yellow color! The new AJ13 renderings are exposed! The release date is set...The upper is made of white leather, with a lemon yellow suede covering extending to the midsole, giving a rich layering. The red flying man logo on the tongue brings a dazzling detail to the whole pair of shoes.

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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.

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Item No.: CT8012-005 The whole pair of shoes is presented in a low-key and high-end cool gray color scheme, which is more versatile than other color schemes.

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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.The upper uses a bright red mesh as the basis and a black suede overlay. The white Jumpman Logo appears on the tongue and heel, which contrasts strongly with the black upper underneath.The midsole uses red and black as alternate treatments, and a small part of the translucent Air cushion is exposed at the back of the midsole. A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Wholesale Jordan Shoes- Cheap Prices For The New Jordans,Latest Wholesale Jordans Shoes Hot Sale Online Now! All The New And Future Jordans Shoes For Sale With Unique Design, A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Cheap Jordan Shoes with 60% OFF Disc,We are A professional and reliable Jordan Shoes Shop Online, supplying a variety of hot selling Air Jordan shoes at cheap prices and free shipping globally -Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Shop - Air Jordan 4 Cement, Air...

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In terms of configuration, the front and rear split-handle Zoom air cushions bring good cushioning feedback. The large-area carbon plate highlights the practical materials of the top boots of the year. Even now, the Air Jordan 13 is still the favorite of many actual combat parties. .It is reported that the new Air Jordan 13 "Del Sol" will be on sale on January 29th next year. The sale price is $190. Friends who like it may wish to prepare in advance!

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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.The upper uses a bright red mesh as the basis and a black suede overlay. The white Jumpman Logo appears on the tongue and heel, which contrasts strongly with the black upper underneath.The midsole uses red and black as alternate treatments, and a small part of the translucent Air cushion is exposed at the back of the midsole. A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Wholesale Jordan Shoes- Cheap Prices For The New Jordans,Latest Wholesale Jordans Shoes Hot Sale Online Now! All The New And Future Jordans Shoes For Sale With Unique Design, A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Cheap Jordan Shoes with 60% OFF Disc,We are A professional and reliable Jordan Shoes Shop Online, supplying a variety of hot selling Air Jordan shoes at cheap prices and free shipping globally -Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Shop - Air Jordan 4 Cement, Air...

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In terms of configuration, the front and rear split-handle Zoom air cushions bring good cushioning feedback. The large-area carbon plate highlights the practical materials of the top boots of the year. Even now, the Air Jordan 13 is still the favorite of many actual combat parties. .It is reported that the new Air Jordan 13 "Del Sol" will be on sale on January 29th next year. The sale price is $190. Friends who like it may wish to prepare in advance!

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The Air Jordan 13, which was born in 1997, is the second pair of Air Jordan shoes officially launched in mainland China after the Air Jordan 12.

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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.The upper uses a bright red mesh as the basis and a black suede overlay. The white Jumpman Logo appears on the tongue and heel, which contrasts strongly with the black upper underneath.The midsole uses red and black as alternate treatments, and a small part of the translucent Air cushion is exposed at the back of the midsole. A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Wholesale Jordan Shoes- Cheap Prices For The New Jordans,Latest Wholesale Jordans Shoes Hot Sale Online Now! All The New And Future Jordans Shoes For Sale With Unique Design, A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Cheap Jordan Shoes with 60% OFF Disc,We are A professional and reliable Jordan Shoes Shop Online, supplying a variety of hot selling Air Jordan shoes at cheap prices and free shipping globally -Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Shop - Air Jordan 4 Cement, Air...

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Item No.: CT8012-005 The whole pair of shoes is presented in a low-key and high-end cool gray color scheme, which is more versatile than other color schemes.

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Item No.: CT8012-005 The whole pair of shoes is presented in a low-key and high-end cool gray color scheme, which is more versatile than other color schemes.

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414571-167, Del Sol, Air Jordan rare lemon yellow color! The new AJ13 renderings are exposed! The release date is set...The upper is made of white leather, with a lemon yellow suede covering extending to the midsole, giving a rich layering. The red flying man logo on the tongue brings a dazzling detail to the whole pair of shoes.

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With its streamlined cheetah shape and classic leopard eye shape, it is deeply imprinted in the hearts of shoe fans.

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Our Jordan Shoes Online promises to offer original jordan shoes with factory price and original package,also enjoy jordan socks and fast shippig,New Arrival Concord Low 11s|Jordan 11 Low Cheap Sale,Welcome to our Jordan 11 Low online sale.We offer authentic Concord Low 11s for sale cheap price and free shipping....wholesale nike shoes,buy nike wholesale,cheap nike ...cheap wholesale nike shoes,nike wholesale,wholesale nike air max shoes,buy wholesale cheap nike tn jordan shoes,cheap nike roshe run shoes,cheap nike free run shoes,cheap jordan shoes for sale,See the best drug treatment centers across the nation here. list of the best rehab centers Ratings, reviews, and more.Air Jordan Rare lemon yellow color scheme! The new AJ13 renderings are exposed!

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The flying man embroidery, heel 23 logo, etc. continue the classic design of the Air Jordan 11 generation.Finally, it is matched with a white midsole and a light blue crystal outsole to make the overall look more textured.

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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.

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The color scheme is inspired by Chicago Bulls and is similar to the classic "Bred" color scheme, but with minor adjustments to the details, it also has its own characteristics.The upper uses a bright red mesh as the basis and a black suede overlay. The white Jumpman Logo appears on the tongue and heel, which contrasts strongly with the black upper underneath.The midsole uses red and black as alternate treatments, and a small part of the translucent Air cushion is exposed at the back of the midsole. A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Wholesale Jordan Shoes- Cheap Prices For The New Jordans,Latest Wholesale Jordans Shoes Hot Sale Online Now! All The New And Future Jordans Shoes For Sale With Unique Design, A Variety Of Colors, High Quality And Lowest,Cheap Jordan Shoes with 60% OFF Disc,We are A professional and reliable Jordan Shoes Shop Online, supplying a variety of hot selling Air Jordan shoes at cheap prices and free shipping globally -Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Shop - Air Jordan 4 Cement, Air...

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414571-167, Del Sol, Air Jordan rare lemon yellow color! The new AJ13 renderings are exposed! The release date is set...The upper is made of white leather, with a lemon yellow suede covering extending to the midsole, giving a rich layering. The red flying man logo on the tongue brings a dazzling detail to the whole pair of shoes.

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414571-167, Del Sol, Air Jordan rare lemon yellow color! The new AJ13 renderings are exposed! The release date is set...The upper is made of white leather, with a lemon yellow suede covering extending to the midsole, giving a rich layering. The red flying man logo on the tongue brings a dazzling detail to the whole pair of shoes.

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The flying man embroidery, heel 23 logo, etc. continue the classic design of the Air Jordan 11 generation.Finally, it is matched with a white midsole and a light blue crystal outsole to make the overall look more textured.

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